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NewsSLF Lawyers NewsCovid-19 – Message to Clients & Referrers

9 July 2020

Faced with unprecedented trading conditions arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic we wish to assure each of you that we remain open for business and we will continue to meet all of your legal needs.

Whilst our Victorian office enters Stage 3 restrictions from today for the next 6 weeks, each of our national offices currently remain open and fully staffed.

From our Melbourne office, most of our lawyers, law clerks and paralegals are working remotely with full access to all of our systems.  We have skeleton staff in the office to deal with any urgent matters.

Our team members are fully contactable via each of our office reception phone numbers, their direct lines, their mobile phones, their email addresses or video conferencing facilities.  Court hearings and mediations are still proceeding via telephone and video conferencing.


Ongoing support of you and your business


Due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we know that some clients and referrers will be facing previously unencountered challenges.

We are stepping up to meet those challenges and we are available to assist you to work through them.

Of course, we invite you to contact us should you have any legal questions which we can address for you.

On behalf of everyone at SLF, we wish all of you ongoing good health and safety.