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NewsSLF Lawyers NewsSLF Lawyers Welcomes Paul Chapman

21 May 2019

We are very pleased to announce that Paul Chapman has joined the SLF team in the role of General Manager. Paul has extensive experience in the banking and finance industry, including leadership and project management responsibilities.


  • Honours Degree in Pure Mathematics
  • Certified Financial Planning
  • Certificate in Actuarial Techniques
  • Certificate of Organisational Coaching
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment
  • Certificate of Arts (Writing)

Paul has worked in a number of roles – both self-employed and employed – that have lead him to be the ideal fit as our General Manager. Aside from his qualifications, Paul brings a real hands-on approach to the team at SLF Lawyers with the view of implementing important strategic initiatives continually improve our business, and the level of advice and service we deliver to our clients.

With well-rounded knowledge and a proven track record of knowing what it takes to grow a profitable and client-focused business, Paul will help to mentor and grow our team as we focus on delivering the very best service, advice and experience to all our clients.